
Sand & sweat: poems from 2012-2022

Sand & Sweat is a collection of poems by Ashanee Nihinsa Kottage. Each poem, like a ring on the bark of a tree, details emotional tumults over a decade–sharing mistakes, lessons, and celebrations of love, home, girlhood, and later, womanhood. This collection will massage your senses; through each chapter, Sand, Simmer, Sigh, Sea, Sum, Sweat, and Salt, you will yearn for the ground and the waves, you will feel rage and release it, calculate the geometry of your own heartbreaks, and savor the taste of sweet and salty delights. It is a seduction of sibilance, rhythm, and story.

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Rhodes Trust

Global Rhodes Scholarship Finalist 2022

Read constituency justification, personal statement, and academic statement

HUNGRY published by Burgeon


United Nations Peace Building Fund

Intern to Mr. Janeen Fernando

June – August 2019

Academic Writing / Course Work

Georgetown University Major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs

September 2018 - May 2022

Research Assistant to Dr. Clare Fieseler | Science-Policy Brief

Brief ro Senator Lisa Murkowski on ‘Alaska’s Role in Preventing Future Pandemics: an overview of risks posed by an oil and gas program in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’

Global South: Politics, Literature, and Film

  • Midterm Paper: Reparations in All Shapes and Sizes

  • Presentation: Female Leisure and Male Vulnerability in Monsoon Wedding and Bend it like Beckham

  • Final Paper: Locating Afropolitanism within Return Migration in Americanah

Science, Technology, and International Affairs Honors Thesis

A class-based enabling of the Sri Lankan government’s ineffective national park management: an exploration of the colonial gaze of domestic tourists at the Yala National Park

Designing Development in Africa

Final Paper: Research paper on the state of the African technology space as it pertains to tech hubs, their challenges, and potential

Intensive Advanced French II

Le devoir de culture générale: Sujet: Relations franco-africaines Problématique: La présence française en Afrique est encore force mais c’est en déclin ainsi nuisant à la sphère d'influence de la France en Afrique

Comparative Political Systems

  • Policy Brief: Policy Brief to Sri Lanka’s Minister of Agriculture, Duminda Dissanayake

  • Paired Comparison: Paired comparative political analysis on 'Intrastate Armed Conflict and Women in Parliament: A Comparison of the Divergent Paths of Namibia and Mali'

Deeper Sources of Environmental Policy

Archival Research Project on Framing Climate Change: Collaborated with the National Geographic Society based in Washington, D.C. and Professor Claire Fieseler to map the framing of climate change in the 1976 National Geographic article which first introduced climate change as a global problem, and comparing it to the Kyoto Protocol

International Relations

'Evaluating Political Theory on Climate Change in light of the Paris Agreement': Evaluated the reality of the impacts of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and other contemporary political realities associated with climate change against theoretical expectations.


The Caravel | Washington, D.C. | Writer (Sub-Saharan Africa), Editor (Indo-Asia-Pacific)

September 2018 – February 2019